This time I want to talk about people I admire in my life. There are several characters that I find inspiring because of the way they see life, and the way they embrace it.
But the one I want to honor with these lines has something special, something that I couldn't find in anyone that I have met in my life so far. I am only 21 years old, so you might figure that I haven't met a lot of people, and you are right, but this person is someone I am sure is unique in the world. Because of safety reasons I wont say his (or her) name, or how I am related to this guy because he (or she) wants to remain anonymous. So from now on, I will tell you some things about Mr. X.
So let's start with how we met, you will not believe this, but actually I do not remember how we stopped being total strangers to each other. It was a really long time ago, and all I know is that from one day to another we went from being nothing to being best friends. It was something beyond ordinary stuff, something that (as I said before) had never happened to me until then, and has never happened again. I don't know why I wasn't scared, can you imagine? Meeting someone one day and the next day feeling like you have known him forever? It was just so natural, you know? Like nobody had anything to do with this newborn bond, not even him or myself. And from that day on, we haven't stopped doing things together, sometimes great things like traveling and some other times just hanging out sharing our ordinary moments, the simplest things we have done together are the ones that I will always cherish, I am sure.
So I don't know if things like this happen to everybody, at least for me this person is one of those people that I want in my life until I am gone, and I know it will be that way no matter what. It is really something to be grateful I think, don't you?
or When the leaves drop from the Oak
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