I had the privilege of being to two presentations of Le Cirque du Soleil, and I believe that it is really one of the best experiences I have ever had. Never in my life I had been so mooved by this kind of spectacle.
Especially in Quidam, I loved the way they mixed the most trivial and quotidian things, and put them into this magical and mystical world, with characters that are beyond any imagination. The story turns around a little girl, Zoé, who is borred of her life and her parents, suddenly she meets "Quidam" who is a man, any man, but he has the power of bringing her a hole world of magic and mystery. Then you can see the most amazing acts, going from trapeze to contorcionist artists.
Besides, another key element that makes this show unique is it's music. It is live and the singers and players are as gifted as the rest of the cast.
In the end, I can say that Quidam (and also Saltimbanco) is a show that is worthed seing. Not only for all that I just said, but because the most dazzling thing about it is the way it can make you go from tears to laugh in just one second. It is really a story that traps you and makes our world seem so small and dull, compared to this fantasy that seems so close that you can almost touch it with the tip of your fingers.